Live Stakes

Live Stakes are produced from October to March. Local delivery is available. A 25% deposit is required for us to begin work on larger orders. We sell cuttings and stakes based on diameter and length. Contact us for a current price sheet and species list.

Cornus sericea (Red Osier Dogwood)

Physocarpus capitatus (Pacific Ninebark)

Populus trichocarpa (Black Cottonwood)

Salix exigua (fluviatilis) (River Willow)

Salix hookeriana (Hookers Willow)

Salix lasiandra (Pacific Willow)

Salix piperi (Piper’s Willow)

Salix scouleriana (Scouler’s Willow)

Salix sitchensis (Sitka Willow)

Spirea douglasii (Hardhack Spirea)

Symphoricarpos alba (Snowberry)

Contact Us to Order